The temperature of an animal’s body depends on whether that animal is warm-blooded or cold-blooded.
Warm-blooded animals are able to keep their body temperature ( @ ). In cold weather, Athey turn the food they eat into energy that creates heat. In hot weather, they sweat, pant, or do other things to help cool their outsides and insides. Most of the food they Btake in is devoted to maintaining their body temperature.
The temperature of cold-blooded animals is the same as Cthat of their surroundings. Because of this, they are able to be very Dactive in hot weather but are inactive at low temperatures. When it is hot, chemicals in their bodies react quickly to help their muscles move, but E(これらの反応は、遅くなる) as the outside temperature drops. Most of the food cold-blooded animals take in is devoted to building their body mass. |