TEP TEST 3級 出題例
TEP TEST® (テクニカルライティング英語検定試験)

3級問題( 試験時間90分: 英文和訳45分、和文英訳45分)


英文和訳 (制限時間 45分)

“Zero population growth” is a condition in which a population neither grows nor declines, because the number of births in a year equals the number of deaths. Many developed countries have relatively low birth and death rates, and a steady but small population growth. Many developing countries, however, have extremely high birth and death rates. Without effective methods of birth control, these populations grow at a very high rate.
設問1.Zero population growthを日本語で説明しなさい。


  出生率 死亡率 人口の増減 人口増減の理由
先進国       (none)

“Curiosity” is a car-sized Mars roving exploration device which has found evidence of an ancient riverbed and other signs of wet conditions. NASA scientists say that with these discoveries, “Curiosity” has answered the question of whether conditions on ancient Mars could have supported life.
設問 下の表を日本語で完成させなさい。

今回の発見から 言えること  


A program is designed for individuals with a BMI (body mass index) of 30 or greater. The program allows you to eat regular food at home or away. It includes @one-on-one counseling supporting behavior modifications. The program also involves the use of FDA (Food and Drug Administration) approved medications. They are fully endorsed medications.  AMost people experience little or no side effects. 


和文英訳 (制限時間 45分)

When most people think of fossils, they think of dinosaur skeletons and large bones, but there are many different types of fossils to be @(find). Do you know A(化石が本当は何であるのか)? Do you know ( B ) they form? And do you know what they tell us about the past? Fossils are the remains of once living animals or plants. People have been C(find) fossils in rocks for thousands of years, but ( D ) quite recently they didn't understand what they were.
設問1 @、Cを適当な形に直しなさい。
設問2 Aの日本文を英訳しなさい。
設問3 Bに適当な関係詞を入れなさい。 



Secondhand smoke is made up of two kinds of smoke: the “sidestream” smoke from the end of a cigarette, pipe or cigar, and the “mainstream” (  @  ) that is exhaled.
Nonsmokers exposed to secondhand smoke absorb the same 4,000 chemical compounds that (  A  ) do. B(これらの化合物のうちの60以上は) are known or suspected to cause cancer. Each year, in the United States alone, secondhand smoke is responsible for C (心臓病による約40,000の死), and for about 3,000 deaths from lung cancer.

設問1 @、Aに適語を入れなさい。
設問2 B、Cの日本文を英訳しなさい。


Corrosion is the gradual destruction of metal. The metal is oxidized to form an oxide layer on the surface, usually @( weak ) the metal but sometimes forming a protective coat against corrosion.  A(腐食は防ぐことができる)by stopping oxygen reaching the metal or by preventing electrons(  B )leaving it. The corrosion of iron is called rusting.

設問1 @をこの英文に適した形に直しなさい。
設問2 Aの日本文を英訳しなさい。
設問3 Bに適当な前置詞を入れなさい。

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